April 14, 2020 Release

Reading Time: < 1 minuteModern User Experience AviationSentry has a new user interface (UI). Check out the left navigation, menu, and frame. We’ve supplemented menu items with icons for an upgraded visual experience; utilized a collapsible menu creating more space for your map layer content and simplified settings to save you time.  Enjoy the new look!    Individual National Weather Service

View Aviation Charts

Reading Time: < 1 minuteView Aviation charts such as Wind/Temp Aloft and High Altitude Sig Wx within AviationSentry by selecting either the North American or Global Aviation Chart menu. You can easily view one chart for different regions, flight levels or valid times using the drop down menus at the top of each chart. Tip: If you routinely view

Accessing Saved Routes

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf you have already set up a route in Route Brief as described here, access in Route Brief First Select the Route Brief icon  on the AviationSentry menu Next Select and View Select a saved route The brief will be generated If necessary, modify the data selection and select “Save Route” Select Get Route Briefing

Configure Location Monitoring

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter setting up locations, follow these steps to set up location monitoring. First Start by selecting Tools in the Settings menu.  Select Monitor Then, select a type from the list. Popular monitoring types include: Lightning Manager PrecipTimer Fill out any monitor-specific settings as required. Select Location Now, select all locations you want monitored from the list.